The frequency of data breaches continues to increase each year, which means the likelihood of having your information leaked or stolen online is also increasing. In a world where it seems like companies are having digital security breaches monthly, you may have become less than concerned. Unfortunately, you do need to be concerned about your information that could be swirling around on the web, as it can affect many areas of your life—including your finances. Read on →

One of the most pressing issues millennials are currently dealing with is a skyrocketing amount of debt, much of which comes from student loans. With $1 trillion in debt weighing down the financial situation of millennials, there are plenty of struggles those born between 1981 and 1996 are facing head-on. How Student Loan Debt Is Impacting Millennials Did you know that more than 60% of millennials believe that they will never be able to pay off the debts they owe? Read on →

Springtime is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about spring-cleaning—especially spring-cleaning for your finances! Not sure where to begin? We’ve compiled some tips that will help get you started. Financial Spring-Cleaning Tips Cleaning up your finances in the spring doesn’t have to be a labor-intensive process like actual spring-cleaning. In fact, it can be a simple process that just requires some thought and the changing of some habits. Read on →

Perhaps you’re 30 years old and in the midst of a flourishing career or 50 and nearing that stage of “when should I retire.” No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s always ideal to find additional ways to boost or build up your nest egg. It can seem confusing to discover exactly how much money you should have saved up for retirement. Often it is said to have a $1 million to $1. Read on →

Creating an emergency fund—it’s a topic you probably have heard about often, which should go to show just how important it truly is. If your finances are in rough shape, it may seem difficult and pointless to establish an emergency fund, but this is not the case. In that scenario, it’s even more important for you to create one. Why Have an Emergency Fund? Unfortunately, financial setbacks happen regularly, and the majority of those who experience them are completely unprepared to pay for such setbacks. Read on →

Having a credit card is something that seems to be a common practice in the United States. In fact, according to a study by the American Banking Association, there were 364 million open credit card accounts in our country by the end of 2017. That could roughly be figured to mean that out of 249.5 million adults in the U.S. (per the Census Bureau), around 189 million have at least one credit card. Read on →

If you’ve crossed that big 5-0 milestone or are about to, you may be wondering just how your financial situation should be looking. The answer isn’t a simple one, as all financial situations will look different based on the individual person, but there are some common aspects that you can still check on and work toward achieving in your 50s. What to Strive For According to MarketWatch, you should have saved four or five times your annual salary by your 50s. Read on →

We’ve made it through the holiday season and straight into the depths of winter. If your bank account is still feeling the effects of buying all those Christmas gifts, you are probably searching for any way possible to pinch a few pennies. Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can save money during the wintertime! Where to Find Winter Savings One of the first places you can start on your quest for winter savings is on the heat bill. Read on →

We know how difficult it can be to create and stick to a budget, in fact, only about one-third of Americans maintain a budget. We also know that it is possible to do with the right motivation and setup. Looking for a budget that will help you pay your bills, add to your savings and still allow some freedom for fun? Say hello to the 50/20/30 rule. The 50/20/30 Rule One budget you may want to bring into 2019 with you isn’t necessarily new and revolutionary but is more on the tried-and-true side of the spectrum. Read on →

If you are working to get your financial situation back on track, chances are you will be monitoring your credit score closely. Seeing your credit score improve is an excellent sign that you are on the right track and moving toward financial wellness. Credit Score Basics What you really need to know about your credit score is that it exists to serve as a numerical representation of the amount of risk you present to a lender. Read on →